Q1 Los Angeles

After a two-week cross-country road trip, I finally arrived at my new apartment in LA on October 5, 2018. After the initial excitement wore off, I began to freak out. Every single day was a struggle. Did I do the right thing? This is all so insane. Will I find a job? Will I manage to create a life here? Am I enough? My mantra leading up to the move was “leap and the net shall appear.” Would my net appear? I applied to countless jobs and went on probably 20+ interviews. Fun fact about me, I am TERRIBLE at interviews. I get so in my head and unable to advocate for myself. I managed to get an interview for an administrative assistant position for a roofing company. Super random and honestly not where I thought life would take me. When I spoke with the owner on the phone, he seemed very frustrated with the process. He mentioned that people would schedule interviews and just not show up. I would absolutely not be one of those people, I assured him. I desperately needed a job. I arrived at the office which was basically in South Central aka the gang capital of the world aka the place my dad told me he would kill me if I ever went. I met with the owner, Jobe, and gave an absolutely awful interview. Quiet, awkward, long pauses, the definition of uncomfortable. When the interview concluded he told me that he had a few more candidates to interview (not very promising). I ended up flying back to NJ for Thanksgiving because I hadn’t found a job, so why not? My parents are divorced so I celebrate Thanksgiving twice. The first one is on the actual day with my mom’s family. The second is the day after Thanksgiving with my dad’s half. Right before I walked into dinner with my dad’s half of the family, I received a phone call from Jobe offering me the job. During the conversation with Jobe I asked him why he hired me because I gave such a terrible interview. He replied that he contacted my three references and they all echoed similar sentiments: “If she wants to work for you, you would be an idiot not to hire her.” I cried. I was so ecstatic that I danced into dinner singing I got the jobbbb! I would start the Monday after Thanksgiving and mannn was that start of an epic ride.




September 21, 2018